The Fronditha Care Brokerage Program was founded to support mainstream agencies in delivering culturally and linguistically appropriate care to elderly individuals of Greek-speaking background. These agencies are able to liaise with Fronditha Care directly and request the services of qualified, Greek-speaking personal care staff through a brokerage arrangement.
The range of services provided through this program includes personal care, such as assistance with showering and dressing/undressing, light home care tasks like vacuuming, mopping, laundry, and tidying up, meal preparation, shopping, respite care and one-to-one outings, and transport to medical appointments. The service is available throughout all metropolitan regions of Melbourne, with referrals being filled on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to staff availability at the time of the referral.
For more information regarding the fees and further details about the program, please contact Fronditha Care on (03) 9552 4100.